00:45:58 Allison Reinsvold Hall: -Introduce yourself to today's group! - Compare your answers to the answer key and discuss any questions. - Share your answers for question 5 in Activity 2: “How can you say that dark matter exists when no one can see it?" - How did Vera Rubin’s measurements indicate that there was more mass than expected? - What was challenging about this assignment? - If anyone explored the full lesson from the Perimeter Institute, was there anything else in the less that you found useful/interesting? 01:05:30 patrickyim: What role if any does the conservation of angular momentum play in the galactic rotation? Specifically how is angular momentum introduced initially? 01:06:41 Steven Millward: It has to be present as an initial condition early on. 01:08:13 Gerald Griffin: Today I stated that DAMA achieved cult status 01:11:19 Nickolas Maloupis: do we think that WIMPS exist within the solar system or between stars, and why would they be one place and not the other 01:14:01 Nickolas Maloupis: I was reading an article about dark oxygen earlier today. 01:14:46 Matt Peterie: If neutrinos are traveling quickly does that mean they're all hot around here? 01:15:36 Gerald Griffin: Dark Oxygen is not the same thing 01:16:25 patrickyim: Dark matter does not interact gravitationally with itself? 01:16:34 Steven Millward: Yes it does. 01:16:44 Gerald Griffin: Dark Oxygen 01:16:46 Gerald Griffin: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41561-024-01480-8 01:17:18 Nickolas Maloupis: Yes, Dark oxygen changes the theory of how oxygen was first produced on the planet 01:17:46 Nickolas Maloupis: rocks with charge separating oxygen from hydrogen via electrolisis 01:32:47 Alison Bulson: So good to hear! I can cut and paste Python 01:33:14 Tabatha Collins: Can you provide some assignments that you have done that includes coding? 01:33:39 Gerald Griffin: We were doing that today at Quarknet 01:33:57 Tabatha Collins: Please share 🙂 01:34:03 RBaker: https://www.compadre.org/picup/ 01:34:25 Gerald Griffin: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/12LcfqiPEFOsVWaSKugIm03Nb6nuGx9KO?usp=sharing 01:34:46 Jon Rockman (he/him): The text “Matter and Interactions” by Chabay and Sherwood is an intro physics text that includes a good number of coding exercises: https://matterandinteractions.org 01:59:43 Gerald Griffin: We never know until we do 01:59:53 Gerald Griffin: Then it makes some sence 02:00:02 Shelley Bullard: I put int the useful technology 02:00:21 Shelley Bullard: And I expect some of my students to become scientists. 02:01:04 Matt Peterie: Student seem to really relate to the medical applications- imaging, radiation, etc. 02:01:19 Joanne Klonowski: proton therapy 02:01:25 Alison Bulson: It’s so easy for young people to become uninterested and unmotivated to learn new things. But including “contemporary” physics inspires and motivates them and reignites their natural, human curiosity 02:01:32 Nickolas Maloupis: The ability to analyze arguments using evidence and data 02:01:45 Nickolas Maloupis: rather than belief 02:02:21 Gerald Griffin: also very subjective 02:02:52 patrickyim: I tell students the mind is plastic; they grow smarter by engaging in challenging problems. This also holds on the scale of human kind. 02:03:15 amy hageman: Contemporary science questions are some of the hardest to understand. Doing something hard in physics class translates to being able to do hard things in other fields. More importantly, to make connections across fields. 02:04:56 Dawn Sasek: exactly 02:08:56 RBaker: Thank you!! 02:09:12 Martin, high school @NY, USA: Thank you so much!! :-) 02:09:14 Kevin Martz: Thank you so very much! 02:09:15 Shelley Bullard: Thank you Allison! :) 02:09:20 Joanne Klonowski: This was fascinating! Thanks for your time. 02:09:30 Gerald Griffin: Thanks so much! 02:09:30 Alison Bulson: Thank you, Dr Allison! This was a fabulous class. 02:09:40 Dawn Sasek: THank you. Learned so much and such great activities. EXCELLENT!!! 02:09:51 Renee Wootten: Thank you so much! Really appreciate the information! 02:09:54 Julie Bell: Thanks so much. This was a great class! 02:09:56 Tabatha Collins: Thank you, Allie! Go Navy, Beat Army!! 02:09:58 patrickyim: Thank you 02:10:02 BBurcham: You are amazing; Thanks 02:10:11 amy hageman: Thank you, Allison! I think this has really helped me improve my understanding! 02:10:22 Dawn Sasek: Thanks Shane. That would be great 02:10:58 Shelley Bullard: Goodbye all, good to see you again :)