00:20:26 Jon Rockman (he/him): Similar vein: There’s an SMBC about how the platypus was created in a collider. 00:21:01 Spencer Pasero: Replying to "Similar vein: There’..." 😂 00:25:34 Asher Tubman: I haven’t yet, but plan to. 00:25:42 Nickolas Maloupis: I signed up for the credit 00:26:11 patrickyim: I plan to sign up for credit 00:32:00 Allie Hall: Introduce yourself to today’s group! Discuss the Gizmodo article about finding nothing: https://gizmodo.com/the-scientists-who-look-for-nothing-to-understand-every-1796309514 Why is it important to publish null results? What is the goal of “blinding” the data? 00:57:58 Gerald Griffin: What would 8.3 T do to a person 00:59:39 Steven Millward: Produce a really good magnetic resonance image. :) 01:00:11 Jon Rockman (he/him): Replying to "What would 8.3 T do ..." It depends on who’s driving them 01:05:32 Nickolas Maloupis: So are the particles creating a current in the circuit as they pass the pixels? 01:21:05 Nickolas Maloupis: The gizmodo article mentioned the box of broken plates and mentioned knowing about what plates were broken. What information do we have about the protons before the collisions and how do we make sure the protons are what we think they are. 01:31:33 Gerald Griffin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j50ZssEojtM 01:32:37 Gerald Griffin: It just amazes me how it is all orchestrated 01:42:35 Allie Hall: In your groups, take turns presenting the slide you made and the article you chose. Answer the following questions: - What was the goal of this analysis and why is it significant? Is this a search for new physics or a precision measurement of a predicted Standard Model result? - What particles were used in the analysis? Does the summary describe the methods or challenges of this analysis? - What is the result? Link to slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Um-fKwJjb1W9JeBED9PkePWoxDrSRS6YCl0-ML1Fnrg/edit?usp=sharing If you have questions you want to ask Allie or discuss with the big group, put them here! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FV6p_LG06aPv2gL6YPxkyQY6W4qwlYBFyz0tikmOJYo/edit?usp=sharing 02:06:23 Tabatha Collins: Any chatter about string theory still? 02:10:09 Shelley Bullard: What about ASYMMETRY?? Lol 02:10:27 Gerald Griffin: That is actually a thing 02:10:51 Shelley Bullard: Cool 02:17:03 Shelley Bullard: Next week I’ll be at Fermilab, can visitors attend? 02:17:44 Martin, high school @NY, USA: Thank you! 02:17:45 Julie Bell: Thanks!! 02:17:46 patrickyim: Bye, thank you 02:17:48 Nickolas Maloupis: Thank you, have a great night, and a great week.