00:19:05 Miles M: Elab account 00:19:11 Miles M: Miles Martin 00:19:28 Miles M: Replying to "Miles Martin" milesmartin@smsd.org 00:19:30 Celestina: Hello! 00:19:46 Peter Martens: petermartens@princetonk12.org Princeton high school Princeton New Jersey please set up an elab account 00:20:00 Miles M: Replying to "Miles Martin" Shawnee Mission East High School shawnee mission Kansas 00:20:31 Kevin Militello: Kevin Militello, kevin.militello@k12.sd.us Box Elder, SD Douglas Middle School 00:20:40 JOHN THOMPSON: SMU Quarknet center not AAMU 00:20:52 Dawn Sasek: dsasek@marianchs.com 00:21:12 Shane Wood: Name, email, school city, state and school 00:21:36 Baily: Should the slides be advancing? 00:26:02 Tabatha Collins: Does that mean that every junction has to be between a particle and an antiparticle? What about the interactions between two particles? 00:27:07 Celestina: What do the squiggly lines represent? 00:27:31 Allison Reinsvold Hall: First introduce yourselves! - How do we smash more modern physics into a general physics course? (I think I mean mostly time-wise/planning units-wise? - e.g. what do you cut of the traditional/classical stuff) - How can we connect some of this physics to our curriculum or even other science curriculums? - How do we use the D0 plots in the classroom in a way that the students will actually understand? Add thoughts to the class discussion google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LBV9pnl4EfWY9FjFpuOH1pIT6m6nSZsm2StAkG60JW0/edit?usp=sharing 00:39:35 Baily: Could we have the link to the google doc again? 00:39:43 Allison Reinsvold Hall: Add thoughts to the class discussion google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LBV9pnl4EfWY9FjFpuOH1pIT6m6nSZsm2StAkG60JW0/edit?usp=sharing 00:40:00 Baily: I don’t think we have access to the main chat from before the breakout rooms 00:40:26 Sandee Coats-Haan: The new CED for AP Physics 2 includes blackbody radiation for the first time in the modern physics unit. I plan to use the ultraviolet catastrophe to introduce blackbody radiation. 00:41:02 Sandee Coats-Haan: Also, if anyone else wants historical context, I highly recommend The God Particle by Leon Lederman that the 1st lecture was based on. It is a free Kindle Unlimited download. 00:41:31 Dawn Sasek: Great Book . Read it myself!! 00:41:54 Dawn Sasek: Also Feynman's six easy pieces is such a good beginner 00:44:44 Celestina: Is it a God Particle because it can tell the mass of particles? How does it determine the mass of a particle? Any analogy that can make me understand the Higgs Boson. 00:45:37 Tabatha Collins: The video where they demonstrated two people going through a crowd in our last assignment helped to explain this! 00:45:57 Dawn Sasek: Yes..that is the one I was mentioning. Top Notch explanation. 00:56:08 Shane Wood: Replying to "Miles Martin" Miles - you already have an account: milesmartin 01:01:39 Nickolas Maloupis: Does that mean that 2nd and 3rd generation quarks are not stable and decay quickly into other particles or energy 01:05:47 Nickolas Maloupis: Electric or gravitational potential? 01:06:43 Steven Millward: Neither, a new Higgs potential energy. 01:07:32 Miles M: Replying to "Miles Martin" I was not able to log in to cms elab using it. I had to use a guest. Ideas? 01:09:00 Nickolas Maloupis: It seems a little circular with the Higgs imparting mass, but how much a particle interacts with the Higgs field depends on the mass 01:25:24 Gerald Griffin: Yup 01:30:32 Tabatha Collins: How do we know what types of particles can be produced? Mathematically proven first and then try to find it experimentally? 01:38:07 Nickolas Maloupis: Does that mean that we don’t think the other channels actually occur in nature 01:38:59 Nickolas Maloupis: or in colliders, are they not valid channels, or only theoretically valid, but maybe there’s a reason we don’t know that makes them invalid 01:41:22 Nickolas Maloupis: Thank you 01:42:12 Gerald Griffin: Since we are about to rev up to 13.6 TeV shouldn't we have seen something? Does that mean we are done or do we need more energy 01:46:42 Nickolas Maloupis: What are the two missing knobs? 31, I guess one of them is the graviton, what’s the other? 01:47:32 Allison Reinsvold Hall: Present your slide using data from the CMS elab: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/10beGBkW2HokKEXUUsryM3SlXDt-h7N8T_8sfxM6zJnw/edit?usp=sharing - What dataset did you use? - What question were you trying to answer? - What does your plot show? Make sure everyone has time to share! Come back to the main room early if your discussion wraps up. 01:49:22 Kevin Martz: Can you make sure that everyone can share a screen? 02:09:37 Kenneth Cecire: J/Psi mass = 3.2 GeV 02:09:57 Kenneth Cecire: Excited state at 3.5 GeV is Psi-prime 02:10:03 Kenneth Cecire: 3.6, oops 02:14:21 Jon Rockman (he/him): Thank you! 02:14:30 Celestina: Thank you. Happy 4th of July! 02:14:32 Anastasia Perry: thank you! 02:14:32 Dawn Sasek: Thank ;you and good night 02:14:33 Julie Bell: Thanks so much! Great class tonight! 02:14:33 Martin, high school @NY, USA: Thank you!! :-) 02:14:34 Shelley Bullard: Thanks 02:14:36 RBaker: Thanks 02:14:39 patrickyim: Thank you.