00:27:24 Shelley Bullard: How much was college? 00:28:17 Shelley Bullard: thanks 00:28:32 Steven Millward: So signing up for the two credits for $200 is just for the grad credit, not for the recertification credit? 00:28:44 Spencer Pasero: Replying to "So signing up for th..." Just for the graduate credit 00:28:54 Spencer Pasero: Replying to "So signing up for th..." The recertification credit is free 00:29:06 Steven Millward: Replying to "So signing up for th..." Perfect, thanks. 00:31:29 Allison Reinsvold Hall: Zoom breakout rooms: •Name •School/QuarkNet Center •Any specific QuarkNet programs you are involved in •A little about you: What’s your favorite particle? 00:40:24 Gerald Griffin: get coffee? 00:40:45 Kenneth Cecire: Hang in there! 01:03:24 Gerald Griffin: He had no data on it 01:03:41 Gerald Griffin: this is not intuitive so they went with a simple model 01:04:18 james borrone: Nagaoka proposed that there was a nucleus after reading Thompson's paper. 01:04:51 Kenneth Cecire: Oh that is cool, James. 01:05:40 Gerald Griffin: Replying to "Nagaoka proposed tha..." Was looking for emojis, this is good to know 01:06:57 james borrone: Replying to "Nagaoka proposed tha..." 🙂 01:07:53 Kenneth Cecire: About Nagaoka: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hantaro_Nagaoka 01:13:37 Gerald Griffin: You nailed it 01:13:42 Matt Peterie- Bishop Miege High School: vibrational, rotational KE, etc 01:28:44 Shelley Bullard: “We can think of them as sheets” lol 01:38:08 Kenneth Cecire: They knew mathematically why it worked but argued about the physical interpretation. 01:38:17 Kenneth Cecire: To some extent, we still do. 01:38:38 Gerald Griffin: Yup my students want to debate this all the time 01:39:22 Elizabeth Maloupis: Bohr famously replied to Einstein, “ stope telling God what to do” 01:41:33 Peter Martens: It the paper they refer to fullerene as C 70, should that not be C 60? 01:41:38 Allison Reinsvold Hall: What happens to Δx when Δp increases? (Can you describe it mathematically?) 2. How does your mathematical model support or contradict Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle? Describe your reasoning. 3. How would improving the experimental setup change these results and your claims? 4. If you’ve done this activity with your students before: what went well? What would you do differently? Would you recommend this activity to other teachers? 01:41:44 Martin Vysohlid: Is there a diffraction pattern in this experiment? 01:52:26 Amy Hageman: I have two questions: 01:52:44 Tabatha Collins: I would love to hear from someone who has done this in a class and how it went. 01:53:57 Baily: C=pi=1 01:54:05 Kenneth Cecire: =G 01:54:16 james borrone: Have a question regarding what change in the experiment design might have us change our claims. 01:55:01 Frederick Heyler: Veritasium has a video describing this …https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=a8FTr2qMutA&pp=ygUVVmVyaXRhc2l1bSBoZWlzZW5iZXJn 01:56:35 Amy Hageman: Thank you! 01:56:40 Elizabeth Maloupis: Walter Lewin does a demonstration for his class. 01:56:45 Elizabeth Maloupis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ql1UN6hcymI 01:59:46 Kenneth Cecire: Nice one, Steve! 02:00:50 Elizabeth Maloupis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeK0DV329mU 02:01:04 Kenneth Cecire: Thanks Elizabeth! 02:01:12 Elizabeth Maloupis: better quality video of the demonstration 02:09:02 Kenneth Cecire: Also bananas! 02:09:34 Gerald Griffin: BED 02:09:36 JOHN THOMPSON: Measure radioactivity in bannanas units 02:09:59 Steven Millward: A proton essentially turns into a neutron, positron and electron-neutrino. 02:10:31 Kenneth Cecire: Even Bananas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGGrdeZuFWo 02:11:56 Kenneth Cecire: Also a "soft muon" - green dashed line 02:12:22 Maajida Murdock: Can you save the chat discussion also 02:12:56 Kenneth Cecire: Yes! 02:13:12 Gerald Griffin: None 02:13:47 Frederick Heyler: Thank you! 02:14:03 Jeff Paradis: Thank you. 02:14:26 Kenneth Cecire: Thanks Allie! Nice session, y'all! Great questions! 02:14:30 Sandee Coats-Haan: Bravo zulu! 02:14:30 Tammy McDaniel: Thank you 02:14:36 Asher and Dani Tubman: Thank you! 02:14:36 Dawn Sasek: Thank you!! 02:14:39 Robert Baker: Thank you 02:14:39 Joanne Klonowski: Thank you! 02:14:40 Celestina A. Pangan (She, Her): Bye. Thank you. 02:14:40 Martin Vysohlid: THANK YOU!! :-)